Engineering the next generation of
high performance stroke devices

Transforming the future of stroke care.

At Toro Neurovascular, we aim to set new standards in stroke care with cutting-edge catheter technology. Our mission goes beyond innovation - we aim to empower physicians globally with accessible thrombectomy solutions that improve patient outcomes.

We’re focused on ischemic stroke.

Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot obstructs blood flow in an artery within the brain.

  • It’s the #1 cause of disability worldwide.

  • Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke.

  • Stroke is a massive burden on our healthcare system. The total annual cost of stroke in the U.S. is an estimated $104 billion and continues to increase each year.

Superbore Simplified

The Toro 88 Superbore Catheter is the first in its class designed to track to the MCA over a microcatheter.*

Navigate through challenging distal vasculature with Toro Neurovascular's superbore catheters. Our innovative design eliminates complexity, delivering unmatched efficiency. Toro's catheters are engineered for reliability, empowering physicians of all skill levels and from diverse healthcare systems to treat more patients, improving access to care on a global scale.

*Data on file. Toro Catheters are not approved for sale or distribution in the U.S. or Europe. Toro Catheters are cleared for investigational use only in Japan.

The Toro advantage

Efficiently tracks to the M1
with MicroFlex Technology

Conforms in tortuosity
with the distal Glide Zone

Vessel-matched aspiration
empowers complete clot ingestion

Dr. Nobuyuki Sakai, Shimizu Hospital

“Toro 88’s performance was exceptional, particularly in accessing the intricate anatomy of the cerebral vasculature. Its ability to efficiently remove large clot burden and navigate challenging conditions is impressive. I am pleased to be part of this study, which has the potential to significantly enhance stroke treatment and improve patient outcomes.”

Let’s work together.

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